Many Nations, One Mission
Fri, Mar 18
|The Love of God Church
Mission Conference

Time & Location
Mar 18, 2022, 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
The Love of God Church, 6407 NE 105th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98662, USA
About The Event
Mission Conference: Many Nations, One Mission
We invite you for a Global Mission Conference. Join us for a weekend of encouragement and instruction in our outreach to many nations. Our speakers are faithful examples of this work and will seek to provide us with biblical tools to be effective where God has placed us.
Conference Schedule :
Friday, March 18:
9:00-9:30 am - Morning Worship & Prayer
9:30-11:30am - Session 1
11:30 -11:45am - Coffee/Tea Break
11:45 -1:30pm - Q&A Discussion
7:00—9:00pm - Conference Service: Mission Testimony
Saturday, March 19:
9:00-9:30am - Morning Worship & Prayer
9:30 -11:30 am - Session 2
11:30-11:45am - Coffee/Tea Break
11:45am-1:30 pm - Q&A Discussion
Sunday, March 20, Service at 11:00 am
Session Names
• Pioneering Missionaries
• Practical Steps to Discipleship
• Strengths and Weaknesses of the Mission
• Should I Go?
• The Church Role in Missions
Address: Campus of The Love of God International Ministry
6407 NE 105th Ave. Vancouver, WA 98662
Short information about the Conference speakers
1. Nikolai Poliakov
Missioner Nikolai Poliakov was born in Ukraine.
Nikolay and his wife Tatyana serve in the international organization Youth With A Mission.
The preaching of the Gospel was in many countries of the world.
The main church planting ministry takes place in Kamchatka, Russia.
Beginning his ministry in 1997 as an active member
Of the church youth ministry in Ukraine, Mike eventually became a youth leader.
In 2003, Mike founded and headed the Ternopil Missionary Institut
“Heart of Help,” where he served until 2010.
During his time in leadership, Mike helped prepare and send missionaries
And ministers to Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan,
Turkmenistan, India, Ukraine, Kenya, Malawi, South Sudan, and Rwanda.
From 2010 to 2012, Mike led the “International Teams”
of Ukraine and was a member of the organization’s international board,
Together with the international team of presidents from
The United States, Canada, England, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Australia, and Ukraine
3. Vasily & Yelena Tishchenko
Vasily and Yelena are the Pastors of The Love of God Church and founders of Mercy Caravan mission.
Since 1997 they have been carrying out missionary service in different countries such as:
Russia, Indonesia, India, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya,
Burma and Nepal.
The main goal of the mission to save perishing people is to preach the gospel,
Help after cataclysms, planting and building churches, opening orphanages.
Already more than a thousand orphans have been saved from hunger,
Slavery and life on the street.
Also, Vasily Tishchenko is a member of the directors of "Transforming Nations."
Pastor the founder and lead pastor of Full Gospel Tabernacle Nepal.
For 10 years, he has been actively involved in pioneering churches
And implanting the vision to many young and zealous people
For the kingdom of God in different parts of Nepal.
There are more than 77 churches established, and he oversees these churches
And having a school of ministry for church planters,
A resident school to train leaders for effective ministries.
Not only had that but also engaged in various social works
Which includes rescuing little girls from sex slavery,
Homes for orphans and does relief works in times of natural disasters.
He is the leader and Senior Pastor of Thukha Myanmar Good News Church.
His Planted 100 churches in cities where there were no revival
Churches in Myanmar.
He was establishing orphanage Centers, helping poor children and street children. Sunlight is
Working for Boarding private Schools, seminar, training,
Establishing clinic, hospital, medical care.
Establishing Rehabilitation
They are providing water pipes, water-well, and Solar System light. Ron bitch.
6. Ma Hla Htoo
Pastor of Thukha Myanmar Good News Church
And one of the Thukha Myanmar Missionaries to her own Village
Called Tanbo Village, Pakukku Region, Magway Division, Myanmar.
She has a fire passion for the lost souls especially for her villagers.
The greatest joy for Ma Htoo is to preach the gospel to unbelievers.
When she prays for the sick, the sick are healed, even the animal gets well.
Despite numerous attempts on her life, she is non-stop evangelizing.
7. Dr. Selven & Pst. Premi Chetty
Dr. Selven & Pare senior Pastors
At Jesus Hope of the Nations' Church in Durban S.A.
They are highly driven to see the Kingdom of God established in the earth.
They partner in missions in Africa, India, Pakistan & the Philippines. Dr.
Chetty is a Pastor, Evangelist, Bible Teacher, Radio preacher,
Author & Conference speaker.
He is a much sought after speaker in world Conferences on church growth.
We are from Spokane Washington USA.
And we have a ministry in Ukraine Odessa region
The name of the ministry
"changing nations together ministry"
The Mission's activities are assistance to pensioners,
Assistance to the disabled and orphans,
And the message of the gospel to non-believers.
Исаия 61:1 "Ибо Господь помазал Меня благовествовать " эти слова стали движущей силой в миссионерском служении церкви Екклесия. За 20 лет служения Господь помог нам проповедовать Евангелие в Мексике и Кубе, в Гватемале и в Мьянме, в Африке,и в Украине , в России и в других странах. Мы твёрдо верим что Евангелие царства будет проповедано во всех народах , и тогда возвратится царь всех царей -Христос!
11. Thiruthuvam Lazar
He founded the Shekinah Glory Ministry according to the commission from God on 28th Feb 2014 and He also formed the Ray of Hope for Hopeless a voluntary body concerned with social work in underprivileged children and with assisting rural people. He is doing God’s ministry along with his wife and children
12. Vladimir Chmil
Исаия 61:1 "Ибо Господь помазал Меня благовествовать " эти слова стали движущей силой в миссионерском служении церкви Екклесия. За 20 лет служения Господь помог нам проповедовать Евангелие в Мексике и Кубе, в Гватемале и в Мьянме, в Африке,и в Украине , в России и в других странах. Мы твёрдо верим что Евангелие царства будет проповедано во всех народах , и тогда возвратится царь всех царей -Христос!
13. Anatoliy Kolomiyets
President at IMOCE MISSION.
IMOCE missionary service in Mexico, Cuba, Africa, and Ukraine: Assistance to orphanages, boarding schools, rehabilitation centers, disabled people, support for poor families and people living in a war zone. Support for churches and missionaries in these countries.
14. Pastor Vasiliy Skorykh
Answer in Jesus Ministries
President Vasiliy Skorykh
The ministry was founded to plant churches and train spiritual leaders. Since its founding in 1996, Answer in Jesus Ministries has been spreading the gospel and reaching hundreds of thousands of people around the world through events, outreach campaigns, and charitable relief to people affected by natural disasters.